20 April 2023
CyberSchool Spring Research School
From April 11 to 14, the first edition of the CyberSchool Spring Research School took place.

This first edition welcomed local researchers and PhD students in the cybersecurity domain as well as cybersecurity students from the University of Rennes (master’s level) and CyberSchool’s partner engineering schools.
This event provided participants with an overview of the current state of cybersecurity research, through presentations of recent work by speakers from the relevant teams at IRISA, IETR, IRMAR and CREST. Mixing conferences and activities, this school covered a wide range of topics, allowing participants to discover, deepen and exchange on various subjects.
These 4 days can be summed up as moments of meetings and exchanges between participants and speakers. The atmosphere was friendly and warm, as we had hoped.
The CyberSchool team would like to thank the participants and speakers who contributed to this Research School. This first edition was a success thanks to you!
We look forward to seeing you next year for a 2nd edition