Scholarships and Mobility Grants

CyberSchool offers various types of scholarships to students and PhD students in cybersecurity:
Study Scholarship
Outgoing Mobility Grant for students
Outgoing Mobility Grant for PhD students

Study Scholarship

CyberSchool offers a scholarship opportunity to students enrolled in cybersecurity programmes at partner institutions: CentraleSupélec, IMT Atlantique, INSA Rennes, and the University of Rennes (Master’s in Computer Science, Cybersecurity track and Master’s in Mathematics and Applications – IT Mathematics and Cryptography).

This scholarship is granted based on the quality of the students’ academic and extracurricular background and is open to all applicants. No separate application form is needed; you are automatically eligible for the scholarship, as soon as you apply for one of the cybersecurity programmes offered by the aforementioned partners. Each institution forms a committee that appoints the scholarship recipients.

The CyberSchool study scholarship is a single payment that is provided at the beginning of the first academic year.

This scholarship is exclusively for students in initial training.

Outgoing Mobility Grant for students

Eligibility Criteria:
All students from our partner institutions undertaking a cybersecurity internship abroad as part of their training.

Duration and Amount of Support:

  • Fixed amount of €200/month for a cybersecurity internship abroad lasting 2 to 6 months.
  • Additional support may be granted by the committee:
    • Based on the country of the internship > considering the cost of living: a bonus may be awarded and/or a flat-rate for reimbursing round-trip travel.
    • If the student does not receive a internship allowance from the host organisation.

Submitting an Application:
Application files can be submitted throughout the year, at least 1 month before the start of the internship, to Elodie LE COZ at the following address:
The committee will provide feedback within 15 days of receiving the complete application.

Outgoing Mobility Grant for PhD students

Eligibility Criteria:
All PhD students from our partner institutions undertaking mobility abroad as part of their thesis.

Duration and Amount of Support:

  • A lump sum primarily intended to cover additional expenses related to the travel will be awarded to the PhD student for a maximum duration of 6 months. The committee will determine this amount considering the cost of living in the host country and any potential overlap with other financial assistance.
  • The payment will be made in a single installment before the departure of the PhD student.

Submitting an Application:
Application files can be submitted throughout the year, at least 1 month before departure, to Elodie LE COZ at the following address:
The committee will provide feedback within 15 days of receiving the complete application.

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