CyberSchool, the Graduate Cybersecurity Research School

CyberSchool is a winning project of the French “Investments for the Future” programme
and is the only graduate cybersecurity research school in France.


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CyberSchool was created with the goal of increasing the number of highly qualified cybersecurity professionals to meet talent needs in Brittany and France. It aims to raise awareness of this sector among a wide audience, enhance the training of its partners, and facilitate career transitions. CyberSchool also invests in research to support cybersecurity innovation and strengthen Brittany’s position as a center of excellence in this field.

CyberSchool is managed by Université de Rennes and draws on the expertise of Rennes’ universities (Université de Rennes, Université Rennes 2), four leading engineering schools (CentraleSupélec, IMT Atlantique, INSA Rennes and ENSAI), ENS Rennes, Sciences-Po Rennes, in close collaboration with the CNRS and Rennes-Bretagne Atlantique Inria Centre, and with the support of the French Directorate General of Armaments (DGA), Région Bretagne (Rennes Regional Council), Rennes Métropole (Greater Rennes) and ANR – Programme Investissement d’Avenir.

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Cybersecurity training courses

CyberSchool brings together university and engineering cybersecurity training programmes offered by a consortium of partner institutions. These trainings, accessible at different levels, train experts, engineers, and scientists in all cybersecurity-related fields. CyberSchool relies on a renowned training and research ecosystem which spans the entire cybersecurity sector.


Rennes Métropole, We-Ker et the CyberSchool of Rennes have joined forces within the Cybersecurity Initiative Syndicate (SIC) to promote and support career transitions into cybersecurity in the region.

Investment in research

CyberSchool is investing in research through:

  • Research teams composed of leading researchers who participate in innovation development and share their knowledge with cybersecurity students
  • A PhD programme that allows cybersecurity PhD candidates to enrich their thesis experience by providing access to a range of scientific support activities, training, and professional networking opportunities in the field of cybersecurity
  • The organisation of research-related events, including the CyberSchool Research School, whose first edition took place in April 2023

Integration into the cybersecurity ecosystem

CyberSchool is increasingly strengthening its positioning within the cybersecurity industrial, socio-economic, and defense ecosystem. Through its close links with companies in the sector, startups, government entities, etc., it enjoys a legitimate position in this field. One of its objectives is to strengthen the links between education, research, and industry in order to better meet the needs of these different stakeholders and promote innovation in the field of cybersecurity.

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Project founders

Pierre Alain Fouque


CyberSchool Director



Former CyberSchool Training Programme Director

Operational team


Operational Director / Cybersecurity career transition manager


Training engineer

Photo de Christele Arnoult


Cyber Ecosystem Relations Senior Manager

Maeva Cyberschool


Communications Officer

Sans Titre 4


Administrative management, training and mobiliy officer


Events Project Officer

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