Cybersecurity training programmes
CyberSchool brings together cybersecurity training programmes at Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Engineer’s levels, delivered by a consortium of partner institutions. Students are trained to become specialists, engineers, and scientists in key fields of cybersecurity.
Note: CyberSchool offers several types of scholarships to cybersecurity students: a study scholarship and an outgoing mobility grant.
Co-diploma university programme
University programmes

BUT Réseaux & Télécommunications
Degree awarded by the IUT of Lannion (University of Rennes).
Duration: 3 years, starting from high school diploma (Baccalauréat).
Cybersecurity courses: starting from the 2nd year (choose the ‘cybersecurity’ track).
Format: Full-time or work-study (your choice).
Location: Lannion.
Initial training and continuing education.

BUT Réseaux & Télécommunications
Degree awarded by the IUT of Saint-Malo (University of Rennes).
Duration: 3 years, starting from high school diploma (Baccalauréat).
Cybersecurity courses: starting from the 2nd year (choose the ‘cybersecurity’ track).
Format: Full-time or work-study (your choice).
Location: Saint-Malo.
Initial training and continuing education.

Cycle Universitaire Préparatoire aux Grandes Écoles (CUPGE) – Cybersécurité
Degree awarded by Enssat and the IUT of Lannion (University of Rennes).
Duration: 2 years, starting from high school diploma (Baccalauréat).
Format: Full-time.
Location: Lannion.
Initial training.

Master 2 Droit privé, parcours droit du numérique
Degree awarded by the University of Rennes (Law and Political Science Department).
Duration: 1 year, starting from Master’s degree (Bac +4).
Cybersecurity courses: Programme that combines law and digital security.
Format: 100% work-study.
Location: Rennes.
Initial training and continuing education.

Master’s Computer Science, track Chief information security officer
Degree awarded by the University of Rennes (ISTIC).
Duration: 2 years, starting from Bachelor’s degree (Bac +3).
Format: Exclusively work-study.
Location: Rennes.
Initial training and continuing education.

Master informatique parcours Science Informatique
Degree awarded by the University of Rennes (ISTIC).
Programme administered by a consortium of the main computer science universities and graduate schools in Brittany : University of Rennes, ENS Rennes, National Institute of Applied Sciences, Rennes (INSA) and CentraleSupélec.
Duration: 2 years, starting from Bachelor’s degree (Bac +3).
Format: Standard, full-time.
Location: Rennes and Lannion
Initial training.

Master’s Mathematics and Applications – IT Mathematics and Cryptography
Degree awarded by the University of Rennes (Mathematics Department).
Duration: 2 years, starting from Bachelor’s degree (Bac +3).
Format: Standard, full-time.
Location: Rennes.
Initial training and continuing education.
Engineering and prestigious school training programmes

Diplôme d’ingénieur informatique mention cybersécurité
Degree awarded by CentraleSupélec.
Duration: 3 years, starting from a Bachelor’s degree (Bac +2).
Cybersecurity courses: In 3rd year (choose the ‘cybersecurity’ option)
Format: Standard or work-study (your choice).
Location: Rennes.
Initial training.

Diplôme d’ingénieur parcours InfoSec
Degree awarded by CentraleSupélec.
Duration: 3 years, starting from a Bachelor’s degree (Bac +2).
Cybersecurity courses: Starting from the 2nd year (choose the ‘InfoSec’ track)
Format: Standard or work-study (your choice).
Location: Rennes.
Initial training.

Computer Engineer by Apprenticeship, Cybersecurity, data and multimedia science, artificial intelligence
Degree awarded by Enssat (University of Rennes).
Duration: 3 years, starting from a Bachelor’s degree (Bac +2).
Cybersecurity courses: starting from the 2nd year (choose the ‘cybersecurity’ option).
Format: 100% work-study.
Location: Lannion.
Initial training and continuing education.

Software and Computing engineering, Information management, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity
Degree awarded by Enssat (University of Rennes).
Duration: 3 years, starting from a Bachelor’s degree (Bac +2).
Cybersecurity courses: starting from the 2nd year (choose the ‘cybersecurity’ option).
Format: Standard, full-time.
Location: Lannion.
Initial training.

Engineering programme, Computer Science Specialty
Degree awarded by ESIR (University of Rennes).
Duration: 3 years, starting from a Bachelor’s degree (Bac +2).
Format: Standard (possibility of work-study programme in the final year).
Location: Rennes.
Initial training.

Cybersecurity – post-master degree
Degree awarded by IMT Atlantique and CentraleSupélec.
Duration: 1 year, starting from Master’s degree (Bac +4 / Bac +5).
Format: Standard, full-time.
Location: Rennes.
Continuing education.

Master of Science in Engineering “Diplôme d’Ingénieur”, cybersecurity in-depth theme
Degree awarded by IMT Atlantique.
Duration: 3 years, starting from Bachelor’s degree (Bac +2).
Cybersecurity courses: starting from the 2nd year (choose the cybersecurity in-depth theme).
Format: Standard, full-time.
Location: Rennes.
Initial training.

Apprentice engineer specialising in: Computer science, Networks and Telecommunications
Degree awarded by IMT Atlantique.
Duration: 3 years, starting from a Bachelor’s degree (Bac +2).
Format: 100% work-study.
Location: Rennes and Brest.
Initial training.

Degree in Computer science Engineering, security option
Degree awarded by INSA Rennes (University of Rennes).
Duration: 3 years, starting from a Bachelor’s degree (Bac +2).
Format: Standard, full-time.
Location: Rennes.
Initial training.

Master’s in Defence and Strategic Intelligence (SEDEFI)
Degree awarded by Sciences Po Rennes (University of Rennes).
Duration: 2 years, starting from a Bachelor’s degree (Bac +3).
Cybersecurity courses: Programme related to defense and cybersecurity.
Format: Standard, full-time (Year 1) and 100% work-study (Year 2).
Location: Rennes.
Initial training and continuing education.