Professional integration

CyberSchool is increasingly strengthening its positioning within the cybersecurity industrial, socio-economic, and defense ecosystem.

The school aims to connect the career aspirations of its students with the HR needs of the business.


Why do internships?

CyberSchool encourages students to gain as much experience as possible during their training, by doing both short and long internships:

  • The aim of the short internship is to help students become familiar with a working environment and cybersecurity-related professions, identify their preferred fields, and begin to organise their end-of-studies internship.
  • The aim of the long internship is to enable students to put their acquired knowledge into practice within a professional context, develop interpersonal skills (professional attitude, work ethic and business skills) and identify career opportunities. Through this internship, students complete their training programme by exploring practical and operational aspects of their field and discover interactions with related fields. Companies are able to source and train potential future employees.

How to find an internship?

Internships may be carried out within companies or research labs.

  • In-company internships: CyberSchool’s numerous partnerships with companies offer diverse internships for students who are able to find their internship(s) through the CyberSchool network and also by applying for open-job applications or online internship offers.
  • Research lab internships: CyberSchool nurtures a range of links with research institutes such as INRIA, IRISA, CREST, IODE, CNRS, IETR and IRMAR. Students interested in a lab internship are requested to discuss this with their teachers who will help them develop their project and put them in touch with the research teams.

The internships do not concern all the CyberSchool’s partner training programmes (in the case of a work-study programme in particular). Please contact your head of training programme for more information.


Career Center of partner institutions

Work-study programme

Why choose a work-study programme?

Students spend about 65% of their academic year working in a company or organisation and 35% in class. The work-study programme provides students with concrete professional experience which gives them a privileged access to the job market after graduation. It is mainly geared towards students who wish to begin a career in a company after their studies.

Advantages for work-study students

  • Combine a Cybersecurity diploma with a professional training
  • Put theoretical skills into practice
  • Develop a professional network
  • Benefit from employee status and salary during training programme
  • Increase chances of finding employment and fine-tune their career plan
  • Get free tuition fees (at the employer’s cost)

How to choose a work-placement company?

There are three ways to find a work-study contract :

  • Open-job application: students contact a company which interests them and are offered a work-study contract
  • External offer: students apply to work-study contract offers on specialised websites and are offered a contract
  • Internal offer: CyberSchool’s partnerships with companies allow us to offer students work-study opportunities, which can lead to a contract. Students can also apply for work-study opportunities on their school’s intranet.

The work-study programme do not concern all the CyberSchool’s partner training programmes. Please contact your head of training programme for more information.

Professional meetings

From October to December, and from February to April, CyberSchool organizes meetings between companies in cybersecurity and students from partner training programmes, to allow them to discover:

  • new areas of expertise in cybersecurity
  • cybersecurity professions
  • internship, work-study and research opportunities

These meetings are also an opportunity for our students to increase their general knowledge of cybersecurity, to understand the challenges of the sector and identify career possibilities following their master’s degree.

2022-2023 School year

2021-2022 School year

2020-2021 school year

  • 5th February: Amossys
  • 10th February: DGA-MI
  • 24th February: Wallack
  • 10th March: Orange
  • 17th March: Cordon Group
  • 26th March: Wavestone
  • 31st March: Gatewatcher
  • 7th April: Thales
  • 21st April: Engie Solutions
Rencontre DGA / CyberSchool
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