Our Events

CyberSchool organises events aimed at demystifying the field of cybersecurity, raising awareness of computer security issues, discussing current topics, and showcasing research…

Our events are free upon registration and open to everyone.


Cyber Thursdays


Starting in October 2024, CyberSchool will host conferences (in French) focusing on various cybersecurity topics.

Winter Research School 2025

FEBRUARY 4, 5, 6, 2025

The CyberSchool Research School is back for a 3rd edition! The event is free, open to everyone, and will take place at the Pôle Numérique Rennes Beaulieu.


Winter Research School 2024

FEBRUARY 20, 21, 22, 2024

CyberSchool organised its second Winter Research School. The event aimed to provide participants with an overview of current research in cybersecurity, with the involvement of several research teams and laboratories, ensuring a diversity of topics.

Women & Cybersecurity: Together for Digital Security

OCTOBER 10, 2023

As part of cybermoi/s, an awareness initiative on cybersecurity issues launched by ANSSI and Cybermalveillance.gouv.fr, CyberSchool, ESTIMnumérique, and CErcle des Femmes de la CYberSécurité (CEFCYS) organised an event dedicated to promoting STEM fields among women.

Spring Research School 2023

APRIL 11, 12, 13, 14, 2023

CyberSchool organised its first Spring Research School. This research school was intended to give participants an overview of the current state of research in cybersecurity, through presentations of recent work by speakers from the relevant teams at IRISA, IETR, IRMAR and CREST.

Conference Pegasus Project

NOVEMBER 24, 2021

CyberSchool organised a conference about the Pegasus project, with Etienne Maynier, technologist in the Amnesty Tech program of Amnesty International.

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