Become a partner

CyberSchool has created a range of partnership offers for companies and organisations seeking cybersecurity talent to develop their business activities.

The challenge in the cybersecurity sector is to ensure that the skills pool matches the sector’s development needs.

Presentation of the partner company and its cybersecurity jobs

From October to December, and from February to April, CyberSchool offers partner companies the opportunity to present their business activities and cybersecurity jobs during information meetings with students from various partner programmes. Each information meeting is dedicated to one partner company only.

During these meetings, partner companies can provide information about their internship and work-study opportunities.

Meeting Thales / CyberSchool

Internship and work-study offers

CyberSchool brings together university and engineering cybersecurity training programmes offered by a consortium of partner institutions: CentraleSupélec, ENS Rennes, IMT Atlantique, INSA Rennes, Sciences Po Rennes and the University of Rennes (with its components).

We invite companies to find out which programmes are best suited to their needs, and to send us their internship and/or work-study offer(s) so that we can pass them on to the students concerned.

You can also send us your job offers.


You can also post your offer on the Career Center of the establishment(s) concerned:

Partner company guest lecturer

In order to provide students with concrete examples of the technologies they study, and cybersecurity management challenges, Cyberschool gives partner companies the possibility to present the issues they encounter and the solutions they implement.

If you are interested in this option, please send an email with the following information to :

  •       Lecture subject
  •       Lecture duration in-class
  •       Estimated study time
  •       Skills validation process
  •       Teaching/academic lecture experience

This partnership option will be closely examined and a preliminary meeting with the teaching staff will be held to jointly determine the best presentation method, in keeping with the curriculum.

Mobility in companies for PhD students

As part of CyberSchool’s PhD training programme, one or several cybersecurity PhD students may work for a company for two months. The PhD students help the company’s teams to solve high-end technical issues.

CIFRE thesis for PhD students

If your company has a finalised cybersecurity CIFRE (Industrial Agreements for Training through Research) thesis project, please send it to us so that we can forward it to our research institutes’ research directors. If the theme is suitable, the latter will liaise with their teams to help identify a thesis supervisor.

CyberSchool will then be able to transfer the project to future PhD students whose skills and areas of interest match your project.

Other partnerships

Because CyberSchool aims to jointly develop its partnerships with companies and organisations invested in cybersecurity we want to extend the collaborative options to meet your needs.

One of these options includes giving students the opportunity to work in a group, upon company request, on technological and/or business challenges. Please come and discuss your needs with us so that we can decide how to put this option into motion.


CyberSchool Team

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