IoT, Security and Smart Cities option (IoT)

The IoT, Security and Smart Cities option (IoT) option is part of the Engineering programme, Computer Science Specialty run by ESIR.Logos de l'Esir et de l'Université de RennesOption coordinator: David Bromberg

Professeur et ses étudiants sur un ordinateur


The IoT, Security and Smart Cities option trains engineers with specialist skills in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies (ICST), and more specifically in the new digital revolution era represented by the Internet of Things. The course is designed with a cross-disciplinary, pragmatic approach, covering electronics, IT, the Internet of Things, security and networks in the main business sectors, such as construction, transport, energy, health, defence and security.

The aim of this course is to produce Internet of Things specialists who can design products and services that meet the requirements and needs of the rapidly expanding connected devices market. One of the challenges of this course is to train versatile engineers with solid multidisciplinary skills in the Internet of Things. This holistic teaching approach means that graduates will learn to apply their new skills and master multiple technologies including software development, security, energy optimisation, and data collection, routing and processing. The aim of this course is to train engineers who can design connected devices and their underlying software infrastructure.

Lastly, the widespread adoption of the Internet of Things across all application fields highlights the fundamental importance of prioritising data security and confidentiality when designing connected devices. Students will also acquire skills in security for the Internet of Things.


  • S7: Mobile and embedded development, new web technologies, software and network security and renewable energy, connected device development project
  • S8: Networks in the Internet of Things, new HVAC web technologies in construction
  • S9: Cloud for IoT, Software engineering for IoT, Artificial Intelligence
  • S10: Final year work placement

Employment opportunities

Students acquire skills for positions in the design and use of ICST – and more specifically the Internet of Things – in the construction, transport, energy, health and defence industries. These include:

  • Research and development engineers to design new services and connected objects
  • Project managers: marketing, development, sales, consultants, account managers who lead the design of connected objects, including their infrastructures and security

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