Master of Science in Engineering “Diplôme d’Ingénieur”, cybersecurity in-depth theme

The Master of Science in Engineering “Diplôme d’Ingénieur”, cybersecurity in-depth theme is run by IMT Atlantique.

Logo de IMT Atlantique> Duration: 3 years, full-time
> Cybersecurity courses: starting from the 2nd year
> Programme managers
: Ahmed Bouabdallah et Guillaume Doyen
> Place
: Rennes


The Master of Science in Engineering “Diplôme d’Ingénieur”, cybersecurity in-depth theme spans three years. During their first year, students will develop a body of scientific knowledge and know-how and a variety of techniques that will help them develop into engineers mastering a broad spectrum of disciplines. They will also begin to acquire cross-disciplinary skills, such as working in an intercultural environment, through collaborative projects, foreign language classes, and extracurricular activities. This first year is where you adopt new working methods that are more in line with the professional world, and define your personal study programme. In second and third year, students will build their own professional project, strengthening their skills and opening up to various sectors of activity. By taking advantage of the support of  top teaching teams, they will study two in-depth themes that meet the challenges of tomorrow’s world.

The “cybersecurity” in-depth theme trains security engineers for both information and industrial technologies. In response to security issues, the IMT Atlantique students who follow this theme will develop skills in cyber protection and cyber defense and gain the solid scientific and technical foundations required in the cyber security market. In addition to these fundamental skills, new uses in terms of communication and information processing are also taken into account in cybersecurity training (e.g. cloud computing, IoT, big data, or industrial systems). The course also extends to the legal, organisational, and human factors as well as the economic impacts which are crucial to understanding threats. In addition, students will learn to deal with internal or external malicious behavior and optimise existing protection and remediation solutions. This module is based on innovative case studies through which students will gain a real understanding of risks.


3 Etudiants assis à l'extérieur sur l'herbe

Who can apply?

You can join the Master of Science in Engineering “Diplôme d’Ingénieur”, cybersecurity in-depth theme after:

  • Completing a Classe préparatoire aux Grandes Écoles for a 3-year course
  • Completing a Bachelor of Science degree for entry into the 1st or 2nd year, depending on your university degree
  • Completing a first-year Master of Science degree for entry into the 1st or 2nd year, depending on your university degree
Etudiant sur un ordinateur


Students must complete a minimum of 9 months of internships in a company to become experienced engineers:

  • 1st year:
    • 1-month internship
    • Objective: Observe company organisation from the ground level
  • 2nd year:
    • 2 to 4-month internship
    • Objectives: Development, engineering, project management, research,entrepreneurship.Skills acquisition or development
  • 3rd year:
    • 4 to 6-month internship
    • Objectives: To draw on and put into practice knowledge, abilities and scientific, technical, managerial and social skills to solve complex problems of a strongly technological or organisational nature
    • This professional immersion is aligned with the cybersecurity in-depth theme. The internship location is chosen accordingly to guide students towards maximum qualification

International mobility

From the 2nd year of the programme onwards, the school offers students the opportunity to opt for a semester or an academic year abroad while validating competencies from the IMT Atlantique curriculum. They take equivalent or complementary courses abroad to those they would have taken at the school.

This mobility is facilitated through exchange agreements with partner universities of the school. The credits earned are counted towards obtaining their IMT Atlantique diploma.

International mobility can take place as early as the second year of the standard curriculum. Students can also choose to go abroad in the third year. The duration can range from 1 to 2 semesters.

petit avion sur une carte du monde

Employment opportunities

Graduates from the cybersecurity in-depth theme will have access to:

  • Cyber jobs related to product or system development:
    • Security Architect
    • Security Developer
    • Security Assessor / Auditor (product, software, hardware)
    • Integrator
    • Consultant
  • Operational careers:
    • Operator
    • Information System Security Officer (ISSO)
    • Trainer / Instructor

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