Hardware Security

The Hardware Security specialisation is run by the IT Faculty ‘ISTIC’ at Université de Rennes. Students enrolled for this specialisation complete a Master’s Cybersecurity, Science of Software and Hardware Security.

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Deux Etudiants


This specialisation focuses on IoT’s ecosystem security (IoT stands for Internet of Things). Those electronic devices are prime targets for potential attackers. This option of our master aims to familiarize you with these IoT ecosystems with regard to cybersecurity aspects (both from the point of view of assessing the level of security achieved by IoT and learning good security practices related to it).

Training programme objectives

The different courses offered in this specialisation allow students to discover the methods, tools, technical means necessary for the audit of embedded electronic systems. The key concepts of electronic architectures (hardware), interfaces with their external environments (Internet, Wifi, Radio Frequency Communication), embedded software and also vulnerabilities at all these levels, will be presented to students.

Acquired skills

  • Understand the security of IoT (Hardware, Software) environments
  • Be able to reverse engineer the software embedded in the IoT
  • Understand security best practices for embedded IoT or electronics environments
  • Know how to analyze the security of radio frequency communication protocols
  • Be able to participate in the process of securing IoT products and ecosystems

Study programme

Find out more about the courses taught in this Master’s (their description, their teaching goals, the teaching team, etc.).

Employment opportunities

  • Pentester or embedded systems auditor
  • Cybersecurity consultant in the field of IoT
  • Further study towards a PhD