Master’s in Defence and Strategic Intelligence (SEDEFIS)
The Master’s in Defence and Strategic Intelligence (SEDEFIS) is run by Sciences Po Rennes (University of Rennes).
> Duration: 2 years, full-time (Year 1) and 100% work-study (Year 2)
> Cybersecurity courses: Programme related to defense and cybersecurity
> Programme managers: Franck Nicol and Anne Cammilleri
> Place: Rennes
Given the increasing complexity of the security environment of States and the European Union, mastering appropriate analysis and reasoning techniques becomes indispensable at all levels of administrations and businesses. Therefore, the Master’s in Defence and Strategic Intelligence trains professionals equipped to provide effective and high-level decision support in all types of staff positions.
The programme is multidisciplinary, unique, with a legal focus on strategic intelligence in security and defence, integrating national, European, and international dimensions of the subject. It will enable the diploma holder to master the security and defence environment within both private companies and central administrations or local authorities, drawing on national training frameworks.
The instructors are all university specialists and mostly professionals in security and defence at the local, regional, national, European, or international levels.

Acquired skills
Who can apply?
If you wish to apply for the Master’s in Defence and Strategic Intelligence, you must either:
- Have completed the first three years at Sciences Po Rennes. The master’s programme focuses on public law but remains open to other branches of law
- Have passed the 4A entrance exam for the IEP network
- Hold a Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree (Year 1) in Law (limited places available)

Work-study programme
Study programme
Find out more about the courses taught in this Master.
Employment opportunities
The Master’s in Defence and Strategic Intelligence (SEDEFIS) is organised in partnership with the University of Rennes and the École Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Rennes.

Go to the website of Sciences Po Rennes
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