Master’s in Mathematics and Applications – IT Mathematics and Cryptography
The Master’s in Mathematics and Applications – IT Mathematics, Cryptography is run by the UFR Mathématiques at the University of Rennes.
> ECTS: 120 ECTS
> Duration: 2 years, full-time, starting from Bachelor’s degree (Bac +3)
> Programme manager: Sylvain Duquesne
> Place: Rennes
This master’s trains specialist mathematical engineers to become digital information protection experts. The programme is geared towards students who have graduated with a Mathematics degree and students who wish to develop the necessary skills to deal with rapidly changing information sectors (cryptography, error correction) in which mathematics play an ever-increasing role.
Students will gain in-depth understanding of cryptography by learning the necessary theory behind modern cryptography and information theory, as well as practical knowledge for effective application in real life. Fundamental mathematics for modelisation and digital information processing include several branches of mathematics, such as algebra, geometry, combinatorics and probability. Students acquire a dual competence in Mathematics and Computer Science.
The aim of this Master’s is to teach students how to handle complex mathematics both from a theoretical and algorithmic point of view.
Because cryptography has had a strong foothold in Rennes since the 80s, this Master’s programme is taught within a framework at the forefront of cryptography. The programme’s teaching staff come from academic, research (IRMAR and IRISA labs) and industrial sectors (DGA-MI – Information Control Defence Agency, Orange Labs, and Amossys, amongst others).

Acquired skills
- Expertise in symmetric, asymmetric, post-quantum, cryptanalysis and, hidden channel attack, cryptography
- Proficiency in complex mathematics for use in a range of areas (mobile telephones, wireless networks, remote internet transactions, widespread use of smart cards in securing commercial transactions, biometric identification techniques, remote identification)
- Dual skills in mathematics and IT to enable students to work in information security, IT security and security software development
- Ability to adapt to new problems, attacks and environments

Who can apply ?
If you wish to apply for this master, you will need a mathematics degree.
When you candidate, please provide details of your relevant experience in the field, in your cover letter and CV.
Once your application has been submitted, the selection committee will make the final decision as to whether your baccalauréat and work experience are an appropriate pre-requisite for this master.

Students in the Master’s in Mathematics and Applications – IT Mathematics and Cryptography, must complete two internships during their programme:
- An internship of 2 to 3 months in the first year, from mid-May (optional)
- An internship of 6 months in the second year, from the beginning of March (mandatory)
These internships can be carried out in companies or in research laboratories.
I have found an internship:
For students currently in the programme, once you have found your internship, please contact Annie Quéméré to know the procedure:
Annie Quéméré
Mathematics UFR, Building 22
Study programme
Find out more about the courses taught in this Master’s (their description, their teaching goals, the teaching team, etc.).
Employment opportunities
Increasing digital activity means that cryptography is a rapidly-developing sector. The Master’s programme delivers dual proficiency in mathematics and IT, which is rare in the current job market. Graduates are able to apply for the following positions:
- R&D Engineer and IT Security Developer
- Research Engineer specialised in IT security
- Security Software Developer
CyberSchool also has solid research links enable students to continue their studies to PhD level.
This Master’s is part of a partnership between the Rennes Institute of Mathematical Research (IRMAR) and the French Directorate General of Armaments’ cryptography lab (DGA) in charge of creating government cryptography algorithms. The DGA is a stakeholder in the EUR Cyberschool.
IRISA (Research Institute of Computer Science and Random Systems) cryptography research teams also work closely with the Master’s programme.
SecNumedu label
The programme has been granted the ANSSI (French national agency for information systems security) SecNumedu label. This label guarantees the relevance of the training in relation to its objectives.

Go to the website of the University of Rennes
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