05 December 2021
New chair Jean Monnet in Rennes 1 : DataGouv
The DataGouv chair, led by University of Rennes 1 and Brunessen Bertrand, teacher-researcher at IODE, will focus specifically on the question of “Data governance”.
This chair allow research to be undertaken on political issues and social aspects of digital surveillance and on the security of data sharing, in response to strong expectations of European public opinion. Its main objective will be to train law students in the concerns, research and achievements of the European Union in this area.
The DataGouv chair will also allow the emergence of a new discipline, through the creation of a course on European digital law in 2022. Students will be trained in the institutional realities of the European Union and its values. They will be able to acquire knowledge and scientific expertise in a field where the challenges of society are becoming particularly strong, and therefore essential for the training of future generations of lawyers.
Brunessen Bertrand wishes to “anchor the chair in the Breton regional ecosystem“, particularly developed on the issue of digital technology and data governance. It will benefit from the support of the Cyber Pole of Excellence, Cyberschool and EDUC project carried by the University of Rennes 1, the GIS Marsouin, the B-COM technological research institute, the Labex CominLabs, as well as support from the Brittany Region, which has adopted a research and innovation strategy to develop local digital services, accessible to all and less impacting on the environment, in particular through the Healt project
She will also work with the research teams of the University Hospital Center (CHU) of Rennes, in order to be able to rely on experts in health data governance and in medical research (managers of health data governance issues, research teams in medical imaging, etc.), as well as with Jean Monnet chairs located in Rennes (UR1, IEP de Rennes, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique) for their scientific expertise.
It will also be an opportunity to collaborate with foreign universities thanks to the many links developed in the world (University of Ottawa – Canada) and in the European Union (University of Louvain and Namur-Belgium): the DATAGOUV chair will make it possible to ” further expand these links and consider developing cooperation with other European universities, particularly in Spain and Greece.