Admission Master’s Cybersecurity with CISO specialisation

Welcome to our application and admissions page for the Master’s Cybersecurity with CISO specialisation, run by the University of Rennes (ISTIC).Logo de l'ISTIC et de l'Université de RennesDiscover the different steps you will need to follow to apply to this Master’s programme.


Application dates
Application portal
Admissions process
Tuition fees
Work-study schedules
Documents you will need when applying to Université de Rennes
Application requirements in M1 for lifelong learning


  • Our Master’s programmes start in September. The academic year is divided into two semesters. To graduate, you need to successfully complete four academic semesters (two years of studies) for a total of 120 ECTS credits.
  • This Master’s is offered only as a work-study programme during the two years of studies. It starts in September and is conditional on obtaining a two-year work-study contract.
  • To apply for this Master’s, it is necessary to hold a Bachelor degree, engineering degree or equivalent in Computer Sciences and/or Electrical and Electronic Engineering to apply.
  • Applicants are encouraged to actively seek a company for their work-study programme even before they submit their application. Preference will be given to applications that already include a work-study contract.


Due to the introduction of a new method of application for Master’s at national level and within the University of Rennes, the process described on this page may be subject to change.

Application dates

Applications will be open from 25 February to 24 March 2025. The academic year will start in early September 2025.

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Application portal

To apply to the Master’s Cybersecurity with CISO specialisation you have to complete your application via the national portal Mon Master.

This master is listed with the other tracks of the computer science mention of the University of Rennes.

The track to be selected is “Responsable de la sécurité des systèmes d’information (rssi)”.

Admissions process

March to April:

  • Application period for the Master’s Computer Science, track Chief information security officer.
  • Search for a host company for your work-study programme.
  • Pre-selection of applications by the admissions committee.

April to July:

  • The admissions committee examines the applications. Preference will be given to applications that already include a work-study contract.
  • Interviews may be conducted by the pedagogical committee in order to study the candidates’ academic and professional project.
  • Following the pre-selection of your file, you will have to actively look for a host company if you do not yet have a work-study contract. CyberSchool will be able to provide you with support, particularly through its partnerships. Admission is conditional on obtaining a work-study contract.
  • Please send your work-study offer to so that it can be studied by the pedagogical committee as part of your application. Please indicate in the subject line of your email ‘Application for Master CISO work-study offer – NAME First name’.

By 30 August at the latest: You must have signed a two-year work-study contract and be able to prove that you have obtained your diploma validating access to the master. Your admission is then definitive and you are asked to finalise your administrative registration at the Université de Rennes.

1st week of September: Start of the academic year

Tuition fees

As this Master’s is only offered as a work-study programme, the tuition fees are paid by the host company for the duration of the contract (2 years).

Work-study schedules

Here is the work-study schedules for the Master’s Cybersecurity with CISO specialisation (Year 1 and Year 2) for the academic year 2024-2025.

Calendrier d'alternance du master 1 informatique parcours RSSI

Documents you will need when applying to Université de Rennes

When applying via the ‘Mon Master’ platform, you will have to provide a number of documents.

Here is an overview of the documents that will be requested to submit your application form:


Cover letter

One A4 page (both sides) maximum. We recommend you to include the following in your cover letter:

  • Describe your interest in cybersecurity and more specifically in the job of Chief information security officer (why would you like to study cybersecurity, what do you like about the job of CISO, what motivates you…)
  • What is your career plan?

Bachelor’s degree

Applicants must have completed a Bachelor’s degree (180 ECTS) or equivalent academic qualifications in order to apply.

Promise of employment (if available)

If you have found a host company for your two years of work-study programme, you can attach your promise of employment.


Any additional information that you deem useful (letter of recommendation, etc.)

You may be asked for other documents when you apply.

Application requirements in M1 for lifelong learning

  • The Master’s Cybersecurity with CISO specialisation is open for application to lifelong learning.
  • Please note that this Master’s is offered only as a work-study programme. Not all candidates are eligible for a professionalization contract or an apprenticeship contract.
  • In case of a lower level diploma, professionals who can prove significant experience are eligible for validation of accreditation of prior experiential learning.
  • To learn more about the application process, please refer to the information stated on the webpage of the ‘Service de Formation Continue et Alternance’ (SFCA) of Université de Rennes.
  • For further information, please contact Guillaume RIOU:
Lifelong Learning Cyberschool