Study programme of the Master’s Cybersecurity, Science of Software and Hardware Security

You will find below the first and second year courses (compulsory and elective) of the Master’s Cybersecurity, Science of Software and Hardware Security (Software & System Security and Hardware Security specialisations).

Click on each course to read their description, teaching goal, teaching team and so on.
(Some descriptions are still being written)

Blue: compulsory / Purple: elective
Grey: Optional internship for additional credits

International Programme

As part of the Master’s Cybersecurity, students have the opportunity to take introductory courses in innovation and entrepreneurship in the first year.

The first year of the master’s degree takes place at the University of Rennes, where students follow the programme’s courses, complemented by introductory modules in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E).

In the second year, students continue their studies at a partner university abroad.