Master’s Cybersecurity, Science of Software and Hardware Security

The Master’s Cybersecurity, Science of Software and Hardware Security is run by the IT Faculty ‘ISTIC’ at the University of Rennes.

Logo de l'ISTIC et de l'Université de Rennes

Programme available through dual degree programme with partner institutions: INSA Rennes, Enssat, ESIR, CentraleSupélec and IMT Atlantique.Logos Insa+enssat+esir+imt+cs

> ECTS: 120 ECTS
> Duration:
2 years, full-time, starting from Bachelor’s degree (Bac +3)
> Programme managers
: Mohamed Sabt (Year 1) and Thomas Genet (Year 2)
> Place
: Rennes


This master trains specialists in the field of security who are capable of leading projects to secure information system infrastructures, designing secure applications, conducting technical security audits, and so on.

Upon completion of the two years, students will be able to design, code, validate and manage new secure architectures or assess and correct existing architectures to protect them from cyberthreats.

The teaching team is made up of IRISA (leading French IT lab) and internationally renowned cybersecurity research professors.

Two Students

Choosing your specialisation

Within this Master’s programme, students must choose one of two specialisations.

Who can apply ?

If you wish to apply for this master, you will need a Bachelor degree or equivalent in Computer Science or in IT & Mathematics or in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

Reasonable knowledge of basic IT and communications science and technology is required. Please note that relevant experience may compensate for a degree which is not strictly related to the field. When you candidate, please outline your experience in your cover letter or CV.

Once your application has been submitted, the selection committee will make the final decision as to whether your bachelor’s degree and work experience are an appropriate pre-requisite for this master.


Students in the Master’s Cybersecurity, Science of Software and Hardware Security, must complete two internships during their programme:

  • An internship of 2 to 3 months in the first year, from mid-May (optional)
  • An internship of 6 months in the second year, from the beginning of March (mandatory)

These internships can be carried out in companies or in research laboratories.

I have found my internship:

For students currently in the programme, once you have found your internship:

  • connect to the ISTIC intranet with your Sesame username and password
  • clik on the “your internship” section
  • refer to the procedure


Elodie Le Coz
ISTIC, Building 12D, Office 262 (2nd floor)
Monday, tuesday and thursday, 9 am – noon / 2pm – 4:30pm

International exchanges

This master’s programme offers an international track taught by the EIT Digital Master School.

  • The first year of the master’s takes place at the University of Rennes, where students follow the programme’s courses, complemented by introductory modules in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E).
  • In the second year, students continue their studies at a partner university abroad.

To enrol in this track, please register directly with the EIT Digital Master School here.

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Study programme

Find out more about the courses taught in this Master’s (their description, their teaching goals, the teaching team, etc.).

Dual degree

It is possible to obtain an engineering degree and a Master’s in Cybersecurity within the same year for students of CentraleSupélec, Enssat, Esir, IMT Atlantique, and INSA Rennes. These students can simultaneously enrol at the University of Rennes (ISTIC) through the Master’s in Computer Science, Cybersecurity track.

Here are the dual degree options:

For more information on enrolment procedures, please contact the respective institutions.


Université de Rennes is unique in that it offers programmes in all cybersecurity subjects with its partners in Rennes and the Pôle d’excellence cyber.

SecNumedu label

The programme has been granted the ANSSI (French national agency for information systems security) SecNumedu label. This label guarantees the relevance of the training in relation to its objectives.

Logo SecNumedu

Go to the website of ISTIC

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