27 May 2024

Enhancing Student Profile with Dual-Degree

Etudiant qui vient d'obtenir un double-diplôme

An Asset Proposed by the Consortium of Partner Schools of the CyberSchool
By Christèle Arnoult and Maéva Jeuland

May 2024 | 3 MN

Challenges in cybersecurity are multiplying. Organisations, whether private, public, or governmental, are seeking increasingly specialised profiles. Detecting security breaches, protecting infrastructures and sensitive data, thwarting attacks, or analysing threats related to tense geopolitical situations: it is true that topics abound!

In this context, pursuing a dual-degree programme can prove to be a real asset.

A Rich and Recognised Academic Journey

The level 7 dual degrees (Bac +5) offered by the CyberSchool are all recognised by the state.

Integrated into the programmes of the University of Rennes and those of the Consortium’s Engineering Schools, these pathways allow students to benefit from complementary teachings. They can thus build a solid knowledge base to grasp a subject, understand complex problems, and develop solutions tailored to the demanding context of cybersecurity.

A Range of Possibilities and Validation of 2 Diplomas in the Same Year

Within the CyberSchool consortium, it is possible to obtain an engineering degree and a Master’s in cybersecurity within the same year. Students from CentraleSupélec, Enssat, Esir, IMT Atlantique, and INSA Rennes indeed have the opportunity to enrol simultaneously at the University of Rennes (ISTIC) and thus receive a dual-degree.

Here are the dual degree options:

Tableau qui explique la double-diplomation à la Cyberschool

During these programmes, various areas related to cybersecurity are studied. They allow students to envision a range of careers covering diverse objectives. For example, they can choose to work for a software publisher, an embedded systems designer, a municipality, a governmental actor, or a research laboratory.

Student Testimonials

  • Allan: “This programme allowed me to acquire advanced computer skills while developing expertise in cybersecurity. I intend to pursue a career in offensive cybersecurity.”
  • Mélanie: “The opportunity to take courses simultaneously in two institutions allowed me to project myself and validate the profession I would like to pursue after my studies, namely, to pursue a Ph.D. in one of the research laboratories of the Consortium.”
  • Tom: “Thanks to the networks of both schools, I was able to intern at leading companies in their field, which enriched my experience and my CV.”

In Conclusion

Opting for a dual-degree within a consortium of partner schools like the CyberSchool guarantees the validation of diplomas recognised by the state and ensures a qualitative, well-composed, and well-organised pathway. The pedagogical coordinators, teachers, and teacher-researchers of the consortium often meet and work together to ensure the overall coherence of the teachings.

A student who validates two Bac +5 diplomas recognised by the state in the same year benefits from an asset that undoubtedly optimises their transition to the professional world.

Furthermore, within the CyberSchool consortium, there are also co-degree programmes offered by two institutions. This is the case for the Cybersecurity – post-master degree delivered by IMT Atlantique and CentraleSupélec, as well as for the INSA – Sciences Po Rennes programme.

For more information on dual-degree possibilities, feel free to contact us at cyberschool@univ-rennes.fr